Project Management for Development

Helping organizations do the right projects and helping managers do the projects right.


Online Courses

We offer a complete curriculumn to help you develop the project management skills that will help you grow professionally and get a promotion or a new job.


Training Services

Online and onsite delivery of courses to build the required competencies that will help you improve your skills to manage any project.


Consulting Services

Improve your project management capabilities with solutions tailored to your needs that will deliver sustainable improvements.


Workshop Events

Hands on workshops can help your team develop the solutions and build the skills to improve ther performance.


Elearning Solutions

We help organizations develop and implement online courses that are designed to meet specific staff development objectives.


eCourse Fundamentals of Project Management

This course is a comprehensive introduction to development project management. It is designed for people who work with or are hoping to work with international development organizations, donor and public institutions, NGOs, non-profit and community based organizations, government, and donor agencies. This is also an excellent course for anyone interested in starting a career in development project management and for those that want to improve their skills. Click here to learn more

eCourse Effective Project Management

This course will give you a complete understanding of the most common processes, tools, techniques, and best practices that are necessary to manage development projects. You will learn the process management skills required to balance project constraints. You will gain a strong working knowledge of the nine processes of project management and be able to immediately use that knowledge to successfully improve your management competency.  Click here to learn more

eCourse Adaptive Project Management

In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to initiate, plan, implement, adapt, and close a project that meets the needs of the beneficiaries and the expectations of key stakeholders. The online course will introduce the elements of the project management lifecycle. You will learn the methods for the efficient management of a project using a phased approach and the concepts and practices necessary for project management success.  Click here to learn more

What our clients say

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Contact information

  • 1201 Peachtree St, Suite 622
  • Atlanta, Georgia 30303
  • P.O. Box 27321
  • Washington DC. 20038 United States