In 2013, PM4DEV was approved as a PMI Registered Educational Provider R.E.P. ID: 3969

PM4DEV courses meet the strict criteria from the largest project management organization of the world, and that increases the value you obtain from learning at PM4DEV. Your investment in learning is secure and you can be certain that our courses have the quality you expect.

The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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Certification CDPM

Obtain the Certified Development Project Management  (CDPM®) credential. This certification is a valuable demonstration that you have completed a comprehensive training program on project management. Learn more CDPM ®

Results Based Management (RBM) is a shift from a focus on the inputs and activities to a focus on the outputs, outcomes, and impact. Results are the changes that can be described and measured, and it’s the consequence of a cause-effect relationship. They imply that changes in behaviors, by individuals, groups of people, organizations, government bodies or society, has taken place.

This course takes the concepts of RBM and applies it directly to the project management environment, using all the processes and methods that will help development projects achieve the desired results. It is designed for people that have a responsibility to manage or contribute to the results of a project; especially project managers, team members, and program directors.

Participants will develop a complete understanding of the most common principles, processes, and tools that are necessary for the planning, implementation monitoring and reporting based on best practices in the RBM field. With a special focus on the application of the results chain, the logical framework, and the performance measurement framework.

The online course has a duration of three weeks. Each week, the instructor will provide instructions to help students complete the required assignments. Students will participate in discussions and receive feedback from the course instructor; they will have access to videos, lectures, tests, and assignments that can be accessed at any time. Students will follow a detailed schedule to complete the assigned activities, participate in discussion forums, and submit their exercises in order to receive a grade. Successful completion of all the course requirements will lead to the award of a Certificate of Completion.


About this Course

This course provides a complete overview of the results-based project management (RBPM) approach with practical applications of tools and methods needed for planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating development projects. You will need between 8-10 hours per week to complete the lectures and case study exercises.  You will participate in engaging online conversations with peers from around the world while receiving constant guidance from the instructor.


This course is designed for people working in development organizations, including, NGOs, project teams, multi and bi-lateral development organizations, representatives from national and local governments, and anyone who is interested in learning the concepts, tools, and methods of Results Based Project Management. Participants to our courses come from various parts of the world, and they bring a wealth of experience and knowledge that is shared in the course forums.


Participants will gain the confidence to apply the acquired skills and knowledge of RBM to their projects, by sharing and learning from other country experiences, they will strengthen their RBM process. Participants will have an improved understanding of how RBM can improve the quality of their projects while promoting learning and accountability; they will also learn how to plan, manage, and monitor a project with a focus on results. In addition, they will learn the concepts for effective evaluation, the qualities of good reports and the benefits of continuous learning process applied during the project life-cycle.


There are no requirements to take this course, although the students will benefit if they know the type of work that occurs in development organizations and development projects, or had some experience working on a project. Students should have a good internet connection, Adobe Reader in their computers as well as MS Office to work on the course assignments. Good connectivity is required to watch some of the online videos. As a convenience to our remote students, you can download most of the course material to read offline.


The course fee is USD$150 and is due before the start of the course; you can receive a 20% discount if payment is made one week before the course starts.  On the registration page, you can choose your preferred payment methods. We accept all major credit cards in a secure online payment system. We also accept payments via Western Unions or Money Gram. If you have any questions or require more instructions to send your payment, please contact us at info@pm4dev Reference: eCourse RBPM. We offer additional discounts for groups from development organizations.

Course Content: 

Lesson 1 – Principles of RBM
Results Chain
RBM Frameworks
RBPM Cycle
Lesson 4 – Monitoring and Evaluation
Performance Measurement Framework
Monitoring Process 
Monitoring Indicators
Risks and Assumptions
Lesson 2 – Planning for Results
RBPM Planning
Problem Analysis
Logical Framework
Results Matrix
Lesson 5 – Reporting for Results
Reporting Results
Progress Reports 
Reporting Process
Management Reports
Lesson 3 – Managing for Results
Budget Management
Stakeholder Management 
Information Management 
Risk Management
Lesson 6 – Learning from Results
Learning Process 
Adapting the Project 
Continuous Improvements 
The Learning Organization
Course Information
  • Schedule: See the course schedule to select a date.
  • Registration Fee: The course fee is USD$150 and is due before the start of the course.
  • Discount: 20% discount if payment is made one week before the start of the course. Use code 20RBPM
  • Group Discounts: For groups or organizations that want to register three or more students, we offer a 30% discount. Use the code 30RBPM
  • Course Limit: The course is limited to 20 students per class.
  • Materials: Course materials are available for download from the online course module page to allow for printing and review. 
  • Evaluation: It is required that participants complete the course evaluation after they take the final exam.
  • Credits. This course provides 35 PDUs (Professional Development Units)* or 35 contact hours.



Reserve your seat in the course. Use the secure form below to start your registration.



Course Certificate 

All students that successfully complete the course will receive a completion certificate. The certificate is a demonstration that you have learned the fundamental principles of Results-Bases Project Management; it is a valuable credential for your professional growth. Upon receiving your certificate, you will join a growing number of people who are building their competencies to increase their skills and knowledge to improve the quality of the projects they manage. The certificate is delivered worldwide via First Class Airmail
Student Feedback
“This course was relevant, informative and well done. I learned a lot. It was a great experience. The teacher was there for us, available to answer questions. The learning methodology is simple and give you time to learn at your speed. It has been a great experience.” Ariane Proulx, ICAO - Canada

“The Result-Based Project Management course was really what I needed to boost my skills and efficiency as a Project Officer. The fact that it's specific to international development projects was key, in that way I could start applying some of the practices immediately. Whether you've been at it for years or are just starting out, I highly recommend this course for anyone whose assignments include Project Management!” Alea Kagoyire, Burundi

Result Based project Management course is a must for all development project managers if they are to make the required impact as it will prepare them to better plan, share information with stakeholders and increase ownership resulting to project efficiency and effectiveness.” Amara Lebbie, Marie Stopes Sierra Leone - Sierra Leone

“I was slightly apprehensive about jumping into an advanced-level class instead of starting with the introductory classes. The learning curve was noticeable at the beginning, but the course instructor's regular announcements and supportive learning environment quickly brought me into the fold and I became comfortable learning from and sharing with my classmates. Rodolfo is 
an engaging instructor, subject expert and extremely motivating person to learn from. Big thank you for the regular and detailed feedback and professional development opportunity. I look forward to our next course together and feel confident that the Certificate will help me move to the next stage of my career.”  Emily Pittman, Project Ploughshares – Canada

In 2013, PM4DEV became a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), approved by the Project Management Institute (PMI)®.to issue professional development units (PDU's) for its project management training courses. Our instructors are experienced trainers and project managers who are PMP® certified. Our comprehensive courses in project management theory, fundamentals, principles and practices are designed around industry best practices and based on the Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide). We are confident in our ability to provide comprehensive, practical courses that will enable you to further your project management education.

What participants to the Results Based Project Management course say

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Contact information

  • 1201 Peachtree St, Suite 622
  • Atlanta, Georgia 30303
  • P.O. Box 27321
  • Washington DC. 20038 United States